REMEMBERwhenever wherever you're representing someone or something - Fahad Rashiq
Only Give up,When Your Hearts Gives up.(Don't Give up, till your Last Breath) - Fahad Rashiq
If you want to Success in your life,Just remember two things1) Your God2) Your Death - Fahad Rashiq
If you can't Change yourself,Don't Hope that other Will. - Fahad Rashiq
Generation is the Important factor,of the Growth of Ideas. - Fahad Rashiq
Struggle for Your Goals, because its too much better than Struggling for Your Life. - Fahad Rashiq
REMEMBERwhenever wherever you're representing someone or somethingbut,in Grave you are your own Representative - Fahad Rashiq
Your Brain is most Precious FACTORY in the World Because, It MANUFACTURES Thoughts - Fahad Rashiq